
Project Description:


Jacksonville, Fla.

FRMWRK was engaged by Future of Cities to develop a comprehensive master plan for the PHX JAX MKT site; a dynamic urban open space which will serve as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the Phoenix Arts and Innovation District in downtown Jacksonville, FL. 

The mission of Phoenix Arts & Innovation District is to sustainably build equity through community, arts & culture and provide a global platform for business incubation and innovation in Jacksonville’s North Springfield neighborhood.  FRMWRK was tasked with developing a vision for how a vacant urban lot – destined in the future to become the site of new vertical development – could be activated as a sustainability-focused and community-driven urban open space that would serve as a community gathering place, an outdoor urban market, and a hub of public art. 

Given the unique, impermanent nature of the site, Ryan and Mark designed the site to be entirely “portable,” allowing the various amenities and infrastructural elements to be repurposed on another site in the future.  The program of the PHX JAX MKT embraced flexibility, allowing for both small, informal gatherings and larger community and/or private events.  The design of the site embraced sustainability by utilizing repurposed/up-cycled materials, low-impact design principles, and comprehensive and continuous community engagement.