Our Team

Ryan P. Cambridge, PLA

principal + partner

Ryan is a Professional Landscape Architect and a founding Partner of FRMWRK.  Over the past 15 years, Ryan has spearheaded dozens of master plans for both public and private clients, representing nearly $1 billion in park and public realm investment. He's been key in helping local municipalities secure $250 million in bonds for parks and public spaces since 2018. Beyond his professional role, Ryan is President of The Friends of Overley-Worman Park and serves on the Town of Zionsville's Park Board. He regularly collaborates with national organizations like the Trust for Public Land and The National Park Service and is part of the Urban Land Institute's Health Leaders Network and Advisory Services Program.

Mark P. Beer, PLA

principal + partner

Mark’s career as a Professional Landscape Architect is driven by a deep passion for design and a strong connection to the natural world. He is a passionate advocate for collaborative, cross-disciplinary design in diverse sectors, including public spaces, education, and private development. His design philosophy centers on integrating large-scale systems with local ecologies, focusing on simple, elegant, and sustainable solutions. His designs are distinguished by a commitment to environmental sensitivity, equity, innovation, and community engagement, with the goal of enhancing sustainability and quality in the built environment for all.